11 reasons you should never date a Korean guy

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In addition to all the universal celebrations, like birthdays and yearly anniversary, there are tons more. Luckily my parents taught me to respect my elders, I can be courteous.

And this path is beautiful. Dating — or the lack of it — takes on very strange dimensions in Korea. He does everything that he can do for me, and I really appreciate it.

11 reasons you should never date a Korean guy - That it turns a healthy relationship into an unhealthy fetish.

A recent episode for talked about the debate of the past 3 decades in Korea — who pays for dates? The reason behind it is complicated. Forget the 3 date rule. We have the 30 day rule. In Korea, most girls abide by the 30 day rule. As Askakorean blog concisely Women in Korea were clearly divided into two camps along the dichotomy, and it is a one-way street if they do cross the divide. As a rule, a traditional Korean woman carried a small silver knife. The knife is for self-defense, but not the kind of self-defense that you are thinking. Acting like a married couple is the norm. Keep your phone glued to you. Being in touch in Korea is a whole another level. Calling each other only once a day is quite rare. Instead, Korean couples use kakaotalk messenger to keep each other updated non-stop. It goes something like this: Good morning, check. Are you off work? Are you on the way home? Did you get home? Are you in bed? There are booths set up in busy areas in Seoul where you can exchange a fully charged battery for a small price. There are event cafes in Korea specifically for couples that need a private venue to celebrate their frequent anniversaries. In addition to all the universal celebrations, like birthdays and yearly anniversary, there are tons more. Here is the list: Valentines Day Feb 14th — In Korea, Valentines day in Korea is a day that women give to the men. White Day March 14th — This is the day for the men to give to the women. Diary Day January 1st — couples share diaries to celebrate the year to come. Rose Day May 14th — couples exchange roses. Kiss Day June 14th — people kiss everyone they meet very conservatively. Silver Day July 14th — couples exchange silver accessories. Green Day August 14th — couples enjoy a natural place, whilst drinking soju in a green bottle. Photo Day September 14th — couples take a photo together and put it somewhere nice to look at. Wine Day October 14th — couples enjoy a glass or two of wine together. Movie Day November 14th — couples watch a movie together. Hug Day December 14th — people hug each other to keep warm in the Additional to their 22nd, 100, 200, 300, 400… anniversary. Younger couples tend to celebrate more of these and the number decreases significantly as they age. Did I miss any? Let me know by commenting below. You can follow me My Korean boyfriend never fails to ask if I have eaten yet. And I am still not used to it haha I find it funny how he has to ask me every day, but I understand its a big part of their culture. For anyone is interested in reading more about our relationship! I think the Korean culture is sweet. I hope the kids do not adopt the more western ways of having sex before marriage. You will be so much happier if you are faithful to each other and do not practice fornication and adultery. Those things are disappearing in the USA….

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Obviously speaking he wants to do it with me and only that. If his mom especially were to be rude or disapprove of me since I am Latina, it would be very too for me to stay quiet. Korean women tips dating korean guy your man's mother have this incredible ability to say stuff that can be very hurtful if you take it the wrong way. Allow yourself to also show your femininity with your demeanor. If you agree with everything she wants or demands she will have no respect whatsoever for you. Most times in groups, my friends have met their Korean boyfriend or future husband. This is what I love about your blog — you relate everything to your life and try your best at giving so many elements. You are not Eminem and you are not Rich Chigga. She was very upset all the time, never like my housework, anything of me. Most guys were brought up by their mom to respect woman, treat them good. Anonymous I am a caucasian girl in love with a prime Korean man.